Core Value

After eight years of design and development, production optimization, and market layout, Relax Tech. have formed a set of business value systems that meet our needs.


We are driven by doing the right thing. Always.
• We do what we say.
• We put ethics above proft.
• We are honest and transparent in all we do.


We are brave in the face of adversity and
the unknown.
• We think big and set ambitious goals.
• We stand and speak up for what is right.
• We take risks and recognize the opportunity in failure


We get out to get better.
• We are motivated by our customers’ success.
• We explore the external environment to stretch our perspective and inform our thinking.


We gain strength from diverse ideas and teams.
• We require different viewpoints and debate.
• We create an inclusive and respectful environment
for people of all backgrounds and orientations.


We are focused on the long-term health of
our business, planet and communities.
• We continually reduce the environmental impact of our business.
• We work to better our communities.


We use imagination and intellect to create new possibilities.
• We challenge the status quo.
• We use failure to improve and learn.
• We look for ways to disrupt ourselves.


We are better when we work together and put
others ahead of ourselves.
• The safety of our teams is priority one.
• We collaborate to leverage our collective strengths.• We develop and support our team members.


We expect the best from ourselves and each other.
• We deliver on our commitments.
• We are committed to continuous improvement.
• We act decisively with speed and agility.


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