Reduce product categories and favor products with large volume and high frequency

We are committed to the cost control over whole process of company operation. In the past, the company had hundreds of products involving nearly 100 suppliers, which led to unsatisfactory quality and cost performance of products. Faced with large inventories and small orders due to high prices, the company attempted to increase revenue by expanding its product catalogs, setting off a vicious cycle.

Quality Control

Process control and control point inspection is the key. The development of a country’s competitive advantage goes through four stages, that is, factor-driven,investment-driven, innovation-driven and wealth-driven. In view of China’s development over the years, it is now inthe stage of factor-driven and investment-driven.

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Production factors:

  1. In terms of production factors, China has the conditions of low-cost manufacturing. First of all, there are sufficient human resources and low human cost. The large labor force in rural areas ensures a supply of workers in low-cost, low-tech industries in the cities. Also, the rise of higher education has provided a large number of well-educated young people, which is particularly beneficial to manufacturing.
  2. In terms of industrial chain, as the only country with all industrial categories classified by the UN, China’s complete industrial chain implies the convenience of industrial supporting, thus greatly reducing the manufacturing cost.
  3. In terms of social security, the favorable political and social environment has guaranteed the production of enterprises and provided stable expectations of delivery and cost, which indirectly contributes to the expansion of the advantages of “Made in China”.

Process control and inspection

Despite its huge advantages over other countries, “Made in China” as a whole still has some drawbacks, including low value-added products, inadequate core technologies, and the challenge of transforming existing technologies into real productivity due to talent shortages. These ultimately have an impact on the quality and cost of products.How does Relax Tech. perform quality control?

The process quality control consists of five levels of quality control points, namely H, W, R, E and I, which are set in accordance with the Quality Plan of projects. The inspection of quality control points at all levels shall comply with the following provisions:

Point H: The suspension inspection point, referring to the control point where the customer requires suspending production and checking together with the quality inspector on site. The authorized personnel of site inspection shall sign the inspection record for confirmation before proceeding to the next procedure.

Point W: The witness point, referring to the control point designated by the customer to be notified to be present for witness and sign on the inspection record for confirmation. In case the designee fails to arrive on time as required by the notice, the production department may proceed with the work after self-inspection and the signature of other on-site inspectors.

Point R: The review point, referring to the control point where relevant documents and records should be reviewed and confirmed by the third-party inspection personnel or the personnel in charge of the quality system in addition to the operator’s self-inspection.

Point E: The inspection point, referring to the control point that should be checked and signed by the on-site quality inspector.

Point I: Random inspection point, referring to the control point to proceed to the next process after passing the self-inspection and mutual inspection by teams and groups, and relevant technical quality inspection personnel may verify compliance by spot check at any time.

全面质量管理 1 300x214At quality control points E and I, all groups (teams) shall make self-inspection records, check the quality control points to be recorded, and fill in the inspection report form for quality inspectors’ confirmation before continuing the next process. Before this, the next professional (process) personnel shall conduct mutual inspection on the quality of the previous process and sign the handover document to clarify the quality responsibility.

At quality control point R, all groups (teams) shall make self-inspection records, check the quality control points to be recorded, and fill in the inspection report form for the confirmation of technicians and quality inspectors before submitting to the technical department.

At quality control point W, the quality inspector shall report to the professional quality engineer of the technical department for inspection and the professional engineer shall report to the customer after passing the inspection.

The quality inspector of technical department shall report the problems raised by customers during inspection to the leaders of technical department in time to seek solutions.

All in one, has efficient quality control process and make sure your brands have no concerns backwards. 

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